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About Us

The St Kevin's Old Collegians Boat Club is an incorporated association that supports rowing at St Kevin's College and is affiliated with SKOCA. 


Through riverbank support, boating alumni crews, and promoting social functions our goal is to help maintain and build the connection of past rowers, parents and coaches from the St Kevin's College Boat Club.


The official boat club of the St Kevin's College Old Collegians Association.

Become a Member

Become an official member of the St Kevin's Old Collegians Boat Club.


Join the St Kevin's Old Collegians Boat Club today with a lifetime membership. Choose the membership option that best suits you, complete the form with your details, and make your payment to become part of our community.


Once you’ve joined, your membership is valid for life. Simply update your details annually to ensure seamless communication and continued benefits.


To help maintain connections and build our community the St Kevin's Old Collegians Boat Club primary activities relate to:


  • Social and reunion opportunities for old boys and current + former parents.

  • Provide opportunity for old boys and others to row socially and / or semi-competitively.

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